I Need You!

Well butter me up and call me a biscuit, it’s been a whole freaking year since I started old bloggy here.

Seeing as I’ve been providing you all with such hilarious and thought provoking content once a week(ish) for a full 12 months, I wanted to know – Is there anything you’d like to ask me?

So the comment section on this post (and all other posts) is anonymous. You don’t have to be a member of WordPress to comment, so please feel free to ask whatever your heart desires.  If you don’t mind letting me know your name, you can also get in touch via various social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).

This could be a complete flop and/or total nightmare, but I mean it when I say; Ask me anything.  Dirty, clean, embarrassing, controversial, political, ethical, stupid, intellectual… Other various adjectives – I will answer them.

Next week’s blog is up to you.


Fresh Starts.

I was very tempted to write this at the beginning of the year, but when I came to it, I couldn’t bring myself to add to the extensive amount of “New Year, new me” posts.  Why?  Because they’re all bullshit and make me feel like crap.

Not that an individual’s intentions aren’t there, because I know what it’s like to believe that you can change overnight, but the reality is, you can’t. I promise myself every New Year’s Eve that it’s the last negative thought, last lazy day, that I’ll go to the gym and eat a balanced diet.  This year, I chose not to promise myself to change! Freedom!

Instead, earlier today, almost a full week into the New Year, I told myself that I would first of all accept myself, then work on the things I want to change.  I had some good news in the past few days, mainly that I’m finally getting the opportunity to talk to a qualified counsellor about how I’ve been feeling recently and problems I’ve had in the past.  I feel uncharacteristically positive about it, as if things actually might begin to change.

So this year (the last 12 hours really) I’ve decided to focus on positive thinking.  I know, it sounds horribly familiar, but part of the problem I faced was having a mantra telling myself that I wasn’t good enough. I would beat myself up for days because my blog got 15 views, or that I downloaded Kayla Itsines app and hadn’t opened it yet.  At one point last month I cried because I couldn’t stop snacking. I understand that not going to be a global superstar award winning blogger, or one of the female machines that is part of the BBG revolution.  I accept this.  Now move on Molly, you’re a 24 year old woman, get over yourself – rapido rapido.

Things I’m looking forward to this year;

Saying “Yes” to more stuff.  Ever seen ‘Yes Man’ (Jim Carey)?  Great movie.  I don’t mean saying yes to class A drugs or taking part in a porno, but smaller things like going for a walk with Boyfriend and Barney, or making plans and actually keeping them.  I’ve started Yoga Camp with Adriene (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4iSb1bDQq8) which I found really beneficial in the past.

Changing my attitude towards other people.  I will say “good for you” and mean it.  If I don’t mean it, I won’t say it.  I’ll just stare at you blankly or mention the weather.  I will compliment people on their make-up and not be resentful my face doesn’t look the same.  I will look at slim, toned people and think “Wow! They must have worked really hard!  Someday I might do that too!”

I’m going to avoid people who make me feel inadequate.  Number one being Zoella and similar Youtubers.  I know that’s enormously childish, but the truth is, I am extremely jealous of her and her life. So I’m unsubscribing from her channel, at least until I get a little better at this ‘accepting myself’ business.

Growing my hair – Eh, no, this isn’t really to do with optimistic thinking (“GROW HAIR I BELIEVE IN YOU”) but I’m looking forward to actually being able to create ‘beach waves’ rather than ‘rats tails’ this summer.  Surprise Bonus Beauty Hack! – about 6 months ago I stopped using conditioner, as advised by my sister, and my hair has never grown so quickly or been so soft.

I’ve also set myself the utterly hilarious task of writing a book!  About what?  Dunno. I have literally no other ideas separate from – “Why don’t you try and write a book?”

I want to put a lot more of myself into this blog, there’s a lot of things I’ve always been scared to write about.  So, fair warning, expect a lot more of me trying to be funny and talking about myself.

Happy New Year.

Baked Vanilla Cheesecake.

If someone asked me what my signature dish was, it would be this. Baked Vanilla Cheesecake. This recipe makes a massive cheesecake, perfect for this time of year if you have a big family or, (like Boyfriend and I) are greedy pigs. Be patient with this cheesecake, it’s quick to put together but it does require a lot of chillin’.

This is not healthy in any shape or form, but if like me, you like deserts that are sweet, sticky, dense and creamy, then this is the one for you. If you think deserts can be healthy… You should leave now. I made this recipe up, but will do my best to be specific with measurements.

You will need;

For the base;

200g packet of Digestives

200g packet of Hobnobs

Half a block of butter

Half a jar of peanut butter

Sharing bar of galaxy chocolate (optional)

A pinch of salt

For the filling;

1 tub of full fat cream cheese

1 tub of full fat mascarpone cheese

1 can of condensed milk

80mls of double cream

Vanilla extract or vanilla seeds (don’t use Vanilla flavouring)

Tablespoon of corn flour

6 Eggs

Zest of half a lemon

Method for the base;

To start, turn your oven on to 150 C. Put on a pan of water and bring to the boil. Meanwhile, put the base ingredients (apart from the biscuits) into a bowl to melt over the pan of water. Don’t be tempted to use a microwave for this, it will not work.

Whilst they’re in the bowl warming up and being friends, crush your biscuits and add your pinch of salt. Get the biscuits as fine as you can, but don’t worry if you have lumps (these can make the base taste better).

Add in all the melted ingredients and mix together. It should look like wet sand. If you think it looks to dry, add more melted butter and apologise to your cholesterol.

Put this mixture into a nonstick springform cake tin and bake for around 30minutes and then lick the spoon and bowl.

Method for the filling;

This isn’t too difficult. Start by adding your condensed milk, two types of cheese and double cream. I recommend whisking this together for a while so it becomes a bit more loose.

Add your eggs, zest of lemon, vanilla and sieve in the cornflour.

Whisk this together for a good 5-7minutes until it’s all the same colour/no lumps etc.

Take the base out of the oven. It might still look crumbly but don’t worry, the baking will make it stronger.

This is important; wrap the bottom 3/4 of the cake tin in 3 or 4 layers of tin foil and put it on top of a tray of about 5cm of water. This is a Bain Marie and will steam and help circulate the hot air around your cheesecake.

Put this back in the oven THEN pour the filling in. This is a lot easier because you won’t be wobbling all over the place trying to make it to the oven.

Bake for a grand total of 1hour and 40 minutes. But! Don’t take it out of the oven yet. Just open the door and let it sit there for another hour. This it to prevent the top cracking.

Take it out and make sure it has cooled down completely before putting it in the fridge.

You’ll have to leave it in the fridge for at least 12 hours (sorry) but 24 hours is ideal.

Feel free to add your own bits and bobs on top, maybe some fresh berries or a coulis. Something bitter to counteract the sweetness is good.

If you try it, let me know how it goes and what you think!


“We fear violence less than our own feelings. Personal, private, solitary pain is more terrifying than what anyone else can inflict.” – Jim Morrison

I regard myself as an emotional person, but today, I have found it difficult to go about addressing what I’d like to write.  I recently told Boyfriend that I wanted to start a 90 day challenge, the purpose of which to go about my day with a contrary outlook – To be more organised, more positive, to exercise, be mindful of myself in order to make choices that benefit me and those around me.  I realized long ago that this is the way I should be living my life, I hoped if I could practice this successfully for 90 days, I would be encouraged to extend the challenge and push myself to do greater things.

I failed on the second day.  I read that in order to make changes you had to start small.  I set myself two goals for Day One; 30 mins of exercise and to clean our bedroom.  Check and check!  I walked Barney then did a huge overhaul of my things – Clothes, shoes, bags, old bed covers – Anything that I held in my hands and wasn’t absolutely positive I wanted to keep.  I’m an excessively sentimental person and keep hold of pretty much everything.  However, this time I was brutal.  Dress I wore once that my mum gave me after a fight? Charity bag.  T-Shirts from Primark I kept just to wear to bed? – Charity bag. Scraggly old skirt I bought in a sale three summers ago and never wore? Charity bag. All in all, two bin sacks of clothes, four pairs of shoes and a few handbags. I hoovered under the bed and found places for everything; anything that didn’t have a place, didn’t have a purpose.

I was really proud of myself.  Boyfriend was proud too.  I felt great. Motivated.  The air felt cleaner.  These tasks were simple and productive, I genuinely felt like the 90 days was going to be a breeze.

The second day was a Saturday.  We had had a few drinks the night before and, well honestly I was hungover.  Ever tried to be motivated with a hangover?  It’s not ideal.  I spent most of the day in bed, either asleep or watching Pretty Little Liars on my iPad.  This I didn’t really regret – I love bed – But when Boyfriend left to go to a leaving party, I started to feel down.  I reflected on my day and it felt wasted. The more I thought about it the worse I felt.  I couldn’t even go two days in a row being a better person.  Barney hadn’t been walked, so I  just about forced myself to get up, put on jogging bottoms (didn’t change my bed t-shirt) and take him outside. He dragged me down the street and I dragged him home, after being out for about 15 minutes.  I felt worse when I came back.  I should have went with Boyfriend. I should have got up earlier.  Should have got dressed.  Made a meal instead of snacking all day. Should have taken Barney out till he was so tired he was the one looking forward to going home. Should have done the washing.  Should have tidied the kitchen.  Should have hung up the laundry. Should stop feeling so sorry for myself.

Depression is a bad thing, but you can’t argue it’s not a great word.  It sounds like something sinking, or being overwhelmed and suffocated.  That’s how it feels too.

The reason I failed on the second day is because I let this feeling get the better of me.  I indulged in it. It’s a lot easier to give up than to try, especially when you’re on your own.  If depression was a person he would say “You don’t deserve me.”  How dare I call myself depressed when there’s so many people who have it worse off than me? What right do I have to be unhappy? How can I, who has everything I need and want, possibly feel so low I can’t even take my dog for a walk?

Then the guilt sets in, and guilt is depressions most loyal friend.

The truth is I’ve been struggling with this cycle for a number of years.  The guilt, the depression.  It scares me.  Terrifies me.  It can come at anytime, and it effects everyone around me.  There’s no rock bottom, but a number of them more embarrassing than the last.  I pushed away the people who meant the most to me, because it was easier to give up than to try and explain.  How do you tell someone you haven’t kept in contact because you’re sad?  How do you explain that you’re angry at them, even though they’ve done nothing wrong? How can the actions I’ve taken and the pain I’ve caused be down to a chemical imbalance in my brain?

I’ve read a lot on the subject of depression and mental health disorders.  I’m no expert, but I know that 1 in 4 people will suffer a mental health problem. I’ve noticed a rise in media sources encouraging others to shake off the stigma of depression and get help.  Tell someone, do something.  Shake off the fear and take the first step.

Yes, you will ALWAYS get the person who tells you to “Just cheer up”, or the doctor who looks at you with a blank face and says “Well do you have any hobbies to keep you busy?”  No you ass-clown, I don’t enjoy them anymore, I’m fucking depressed.

I’ve had this conversation with a doctor (didn’t call her an ass-clown) and it was difficult.  I don’t think she understood, but it’s not really her job to.  I’m sure in that moment she would have rather looked at an ingrown toenail than my tear-stained, pleading face.  But she knew who could help, and referred me on to another team.  This is the 5th time I’ve been referred to a counselling service.

The reason I’m being so honest is because this time, I feel it might work.  The little rays of sunshine in my life get stronger every day, and I’ve realized that all pain is temporary.  I picture those who still have hope for me, because if I dwell too much on the people I have let down, there’s no escaping depression.  I fear the feeling of failure, but even if I don’t manage to do 90 ‘good’ days in a row, why shouldn’t it be an accomplishment to do one day? One day will bleed into the next, and the next.  If I slip up I start again.  I could look back on a month and see I had 15 good days out of 30. That’s half my time spent being the person I want to be.  That’s reason in itself to try harder in the new month.

Sun, Bums and Thanks.

Isn’t it amazing how brilliant the sun makes you feel?  I am undeniably a sun worshiper, nothing makes me more irritated than being cold for a prolonged period of time.

Ireland definitely does not boast the best weather, but Belfast this week has been glorious!  When it’s good, it is so good.  G and I went to Botanic Park last week with Barney and lay in the sun drinking beer.  Everything was beatific.  Even when Barney knocked over a toddler and ate a sausage roll from a strangers’ picnic.

There is something about having real heat from the sun that makes you feel there’s something to anticipate, like a friend you haven’t seen in a long time is home, or that tingly feeling you have when you just know you’re going to have a good night out

I feel more positive than I have done for a long time.  After my last post, I wiled away an irrational amount of time contemplating my own happiness, despite it being one of my most enjoyable posts to write so far.  Now that I’ve shaken that off and seen the light, I have so many things to look forward to!  The countdown to our holidays in France has begun, notwithstanding the eternal struggle convincing myself not to go shopping for ‘holiday clothes’ I don’t need, I’m pretty content with sitting back enjoying the time flow by between then and now.

Something I have been struggling with lately is the insistent pressure I’m putting on myself to “eat clean”.  Where did this term come from?  “Fit-not-thin” is another thing I’m seeing flung around internet blogs and those dedicated to providing ‘fitspiration’.  Back in my day it was ‘thinspiration’.  Why is there a constant drive at young women to be something else, something more?  A recent survey showed that 16-25 year old’s spend an average of 16 minutes and 7 attempts to take the illusive ‘perfect selfie’…. That’s kinda sad.  Not that I don’t take the aforementioned selfie, I just don’t spend 20 minutes a day taking one that only I truly care about and no one else will see.

On a different note, anal glands.  No…  Not mine.  Barney has been having issues with his.  This is totally common (apparently) in dogs, but also totally gross.  It cost £53.18 for some worming tablets and a certain procedure I do not want to get into.  Let’s just say, Barney has a sensitive bum does not like the vet. Tips for dog owners – If your dog is chasing his tail, OK, cute and funny at the start, but it’s probably because they can’t get a satisfying scratch at their ass.

I also wanted to encourage a little more interaction from the people who read this blog  – I honestly found it really hard to write this week.  I’m planning a whole lot of nothing for the next few days (apart from “clean eating” BBQ food and UV rays), but would love if I got some ideas or topics to engage in.

Last week I was chuffed to have over 200 views.  I know this is a drop in the ocean in terms of internet popularity, but I was utterly thrilled.  I really wanted to thank those who have taken the time to click on the WordPress link I share on Twitter or Facebook, and actually making it to the end of my posts.