
Apologies first off if any of this content offends you. It’s not meant to, it only refers to one person in particular, and then I’m speaking generally. 

The following is a small list of people I have found in this world who I cannot lend any more of my time to.

1. People who constantly complain about their job.

Maybe it’s simply that my soul has not yet been broken and I don’t have enough experience to realise the burden of work but I have always found people who consistently complain about their job to be immediately, thoroughly and irreversibly unlikable.  Everyone has bad days, and is completely entitled to a bitch about their employer or a customer.  I have done it myself; whether it is a particularly difficult customer trying to return a necklace that IS NOT FROM OUR SHOP, or a manager who thinks they have the Divine Right of God, I have occasionally swore under my breath and rolled my eyes.  I have, however, encountered those who hate their job so much, they seem to have made it a priority to spend every other breath saying phrases such as; “I fucking hate this place!” or “I don’t have time for this!” – Well…  You should have time for this… It’s your job, and you’re being paid (pretty decently) for doing it, and if you hate this place so much, do something about it.

2. People who laugh, and expect you to ask “What’s so funny?”

This is pretty specific, but it has always got on my nerves.  I especially hate the kinda quiet people who actively try to be ‘weird’ and laugh to themselves out of the blue.  NEVER ask these people what’s so funny. This is different to people who laugh at something but immediately share the joke, knowing you will find it funny too.  Sharing is caring, and sharing laughter is one of the greatest things you can do.

3. Rude people.

I remember my first day of Primary Six.  It was a particularly daunting year, due to the new-found pressure of the 11+ exam, and that for the first time in my scholarly life, I had a male teacher.  The male teachers were already infamous for being strict, so we were all shitting ourselves on our first day.  In he walks, doesn’t even say hello, just barks for quiet and turns to the board and writes “MANNERS”.  I wish the rest of the human population was also included in this lesson, because there is an embarrassing amount of us out there who have yet to grasp the concept of please and thank you.  This is particularly directed at people who work in the customer service industry.  I am sorry if you feel beleaguered by my custom, and you might be having a bad day, but you would probably cheer up if you engaged with the humans around you. If you are naturally impertinent – I will not like you.

4. People who are bullies for fun.

I had a pretty horrible time in my first few years of secondary school.  One person in particular seemed to take an unnatural amount of joy in making me cry on a daily basis.  I don’t know a lot about what happened to her, but she dropped out of school just after her G.C.S.E’s and moved in with her boyfriend.  I’ll make no further comment on her life choices. It sounds cliche, but bullies are cowards.  Some of the most terrifying videos I’ve seen on the internet are ones of the teenage girls beating up people for the fun of it, just to show off to their friends and hide their own insecurities.  

5. People who are cruel to animals.

Maybe it is because I love Barney (doggy) so much, but recently, I can’t even bring myself to imagine something bad happening to him.  We were in the park once, it was one of the first times I let him off the lead.  I was so surprised with how good he was being, my soul felt like it was radiating joyful light as I watched him frolic around with the other dogs.  He wasn’t barking or growling, he was playing, his little black eyes and nose were shiny and happy, like pieces of wet coal. Then some asshole came by on his bike, cycling about 20 MPH and RAN OVER BARNEY! Barney got squished by the front tire, but managed to get up and jump out of the way before the second one hit.  The bike didn’t go fully over him – it happened so fast I didn’t know what had really happened.  Barney yelped and I shot over, he limped for a few steps and shook his head and didn’t want to play for a while.  He just sat on my knee and looked sad.  I was almost in tears. This was an accident but I don’t even want to get into some of the horror stories I have heard or watched involving the abysmal treatment of animals.

6. People who are close-minded.

I was pleasantly surprised when Caitlin Jenner’s photo came out on Vanity Fair, to see that NOT ONE person on my Facebook news feed made fun of her. I’m pleased that everyone I know personally (as in face-to-face) supported the ‘Yes’ to Gay Marriage vote in Ireland a few months ago. I do not want to associate with a person who discriminates against someone for who they are.  It is not a life-choice they have made, it is the very core of their being; the way they were born. There will never be a circumstance when it’s OK to think someone is less than you. I also happen to think it should be compulsory for homophobic people to watch Ru Paul’s Drag Race…  But that might be a bit of a stretch.


The qualities I value in people are simple.  I gravitate towards productive and positive people; those who emanate natural, unreserved and genuine charm. I am trying harder to mirror those I admire.  I am not a beacon of perfection, so don’t assume this is some self-appreciating post about how magnificent I am as a person. I do believe people can break habits and change. In the interim I’ll just keep my fingers crossed in the hope that I don’t annoy people as much as they annoy me.